Monday, June 16, 2008


I've mentioned this a few times in the past, but I'd like to say it again. Working the streets gives one an interesting perspective of a city. We get a feel for what's going on, and where.

For instance, a few weeks ago I brought two officers to the Stennis on the Coronado Naval Air Station (Stennis is a Nimitz class aircraft carrier -- one of the big boys). I had heard from other, enlisted, sailors that the ship was due to leave in a day or two. They're not supposed to leak that kind of info, but it happens. I knew it was coming because for two straight nights I had Stennis guys (and girls, too) who had no curfew. The night it changes to a curfew, which they complain about and discuss, means the ship will leave the next morning.

While bringing the officers back, one man and one woman, the man asked what was happening in San Diego in mid-June. I told him I hadn't heard of anything. He said he was asking because they tried to reserve a hotel room for that time frame, but every room in the city is booked.

Now I know the Stennis is returning in mid-June, which will give us a slight bump in income. When 5-7000 people show up on a single ship, all needing transportation, you feel it. Also, I know something spectacular is happening in mid-June, probably a massive business conference at the downtown Convention Center. I'll check online about that later. Meantime, I know that when all rooms in the city are booked for a week, I'll have several nights of $400 or more, which is a real boon. I'm looking forward to that.

I hope the convention isn't for "action sports", skateboarding and surfing, or comic books. We make almost nothing on those demographics. It's a simple fact of life that people who have metal piercings in their face don't have a nickel to spend on a taxi (and when they do take a cab, they find something to complain about and usually "forget' to tip). We make more money on 1/10th as many doctors or lawyers.

UPDATE: The big things happening in San Diego in mid June are the U.S. Open golf tournament, which ended this afternoon with a Tiger Woods victory. Also, Bio International is having its annual convention here. And, the U.S.S. Nimitz came into port recently, and I'm still eagerly awaiting the Stennis. Also, the George Washington is here for an extended stay to repair fire damage. The taxi recession is officially over, at least temporarily.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marijuana can produce several different kinds of fuel. In the 1800's and 1900's hempseed oil was the primary source of fuel in the United States and was commonly used for lamps and other oil energy needs. The diesel engine was originally designed to run on marijuana oil because Rudolf Diesel assumed that it would be the most common fuel. Marijuana is also the most efficient plant for the production of methanol. It is estimated that, in one form or another, marijuana grown in the United States could provide up to ninety percent of the nation's entire energy needs.
Source: Schaffer Library of Drug Policy

Hemp is 4 times more efficient than corn as biofuel. Hemp pellets can be used to produce clean electricity.

... so powerful it could replace every type of fossil fuel energy product (oil, coal, and natural gas).

... This plant is the earth's number one biomass resource or fastest growing annual plant for agriculture on a worldwide basis, producing up to 14 tons per acre. This is the only biomass source available that is capable of producing all the energy needs of the U.S. and the world...

Hemp will produce cleaner air and reduce greenhouse gases. When biomass fuel burns, it produces CO2 (the major cause of the greenhouse effect), the same as fossil fuel; but during the growth cycle of the plant, photosynthesis removes as much CO2 from the air as burning the biomass adds, so hemp actually cleans the atmosphere. After the first cycle there is no further loading to the atmosphere...
Source: USA Hemp Museum

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