After getting hung out to dry by Mrs. Lance Armstrong, my next bell was to the same bar. Same nonsense occurred -- nobody claimed the cab. The car is yellow, the size of Texas, and my hazards were blinking like a Christmas tree. Only a
Bell No. 3: to a fairly remote hotel, which will remain unnamed. I was half way there and dispatch called again. "The hotel called to cancel." This particular hotel has a long history of stuffing fares into enemy cabs (not licensed to pick up in my zone), so I stood on the gas and made for the hotel at speeds only Stephen Hawking can describe.
Sure enough, just as I arrived an enemy cab driven by a Middle Easterner rolled out with my fare stuffed in the back seat. I made sure he saw me pick up my cell phone. I didn't dial, but he didn't know that. He was risking a $2400 ticket and /or revocation of his hack license. Instilling in him a healthy fear of Allah felt good, sort of. I wrote down his car number and cab company name. I always get even with my enemies.
A fantastic Saturday night had spiraled into the sewer. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times? Go home. I went 10-21 to go drown my sorrow with a pizza and a recorded NASCAR race.
I'm glad I started this blog. I feel better already.
Great blog added you to my links, I hate no shows too.